Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week 5 TEL demo presentations and Educational Gaming

3 “things that I have learnt” from the process :

1. Doctor Ashley Tan is quite obsessed with having the class flow according to his lesson plan and timings.
2. Wii is a bad for heart game console for me. Too much effects that affects me adversely. It (Trauma Centre) is worse than watching the whole series of Saw horror gore movies.
3. Doctor Ashley Tan has high expectations for the TEL demo presentations. OMG I AM SO STRESSED NOW!

2 “things that I can apply” :

1.Tips of how to present better for the TEL demo presentation. Like not reading from the slides and time management is like serious business.
2. Murphy's law. "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." (like the presentations, even with rehearsals and all, I think it is better to have the mentality to be flexible should anything go wrong for my group's presentation)

1 “thing that I want to know more about” :

How to get an A for the TEL presentation from Doctor Ashley Tan. I really really want to know!


  1. What you label obsession I call time and classroom management. If we do not keep to schedule, you don't get to experience as much as you could. But if you look carefully, you will see that I take the time to listen and chat with folks who have questions.

    If you think my expectations are high for the demos, wait till you get to the group presentations. And if it were not for the former, all of you would be bumbling about with the latter. The demos are a precursor and an elaborate scaffold for the final project.

    I encourage you to view and experience the course as a teacher and not as a student. This is my primary expectation of all of you. When you do this, you will learn a lot more as you watch and teach more.

  2. Points taken. Sorry for my unprofessionalism but thanks for the insights! I have understand better from your reply. :D
