Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hafifah Tan - Entry 1 for 13092010 ICT session

Students are at the peek of the technology era. they use this source as an effective way to learning and connecting with people around them. For some, it is outlet to the outside world and students draw their inspiration from pictures that they see on the net.

Throughout my student life, ICT was a huge part. Learning how to use a computer and all the different softwares that are out there today has equip me with the skills that i still use today. I remember using ICT in my secondary school days for my art lessons, drawing inspiration as we researched on ideas for our artwork. Later on, i enjoyed the art lesson so much that i formed an everlasting relationship with the artroom's imac (mind you the imac was the first generation)  creating a photo montage with different photos while the tiny photos created a bigger picture. Even when i was in primary school, my school was one of the first schools that adopted Masterplan 1 in our school. We had maths lessons in our computer labs and i found myself liking the subject even more especially when we had to go to the computer labs to discuss on problems that we faced.

ICT creates a different atmosphere to the classroom and it gives the students a chance to explore and understand the subject matter independently.
Now, during my contract teacher days... (sounds like it happened a long time ago)  ICT was used to enhance their learning in their different subjects. i helped out with the Elements of Business subject and i was impressed by the amount of knowledge that the students knew through ICT. Students had to come up with a itinerary and a timeline for their subject. They were even asked to do a brochure using photoshop.

I must admit, during my time at school and now, the technology itself has grown thirty times over and our students has grown along with it. We, as educators must grown alongside them. Students now days spend more time on the computer than anywhere else. They will learn better if the lesson incorporated ways and means that they are familiar to, thus the teaching methodology has to be able to tweak in order for the students to do this.. 

K: What I already KNOW
Wiki is a network where people can discuss and exchange ideas and the information is shared between this people. Not all the information is accurate but people can update the information as and when it needs an update.
i would like to learn more about the wiki and understand how does the mindmeister help our own learning.
L: What I LEARNED this week
i learnt how to post things on the wiki page and also about a new programme called the mindmeister where students can create mindmaps of their different subjects so that it enhances their learning. i learnt hoe to create a blog and add more authors to the blog and this will help on our learning journey as student teachers.
Q: What QUESTIONS I still have
Is there other progamme will we be using and how can we intergrate the wiki into our lessons?

1 comment:

  1. To answer your question: Stay tuned to the rest of the ICT course. I will introduce more tools and all of you will teach one another new tools as well.
