Thursday, September 16, 2010

Inderjit (Jit) - ICT usage in Schools

Hi ppl ;)

Schools have come a long way in terms of their usage of technology. Well honestly during my time in school the only time I came across technology in learning was when we had to create basic powerpoint slides on really huge "boxy" computers. The biggest irony then was when you were stuck with the powerpoint and desperately needed help. Your only resort would be to turn to the teacher-in-charge, who mind you then were rather old and frail looking, often I remember my teacher looking puzzled when she could not resolve an issue and guess what, 90% (of course this is just a rough estimation of mine) of the time, they could not find the solution.

Well nowadays, I must say schools have come a long way, they are using better equipments (slimmer screens!) and teachers are now equiped with better knowledge on how to teach and troubleshoot any problems related to technology in class and powerpoints were not not the ONLY thing !

Schools have used various means to raise their standards so as to enable to school to have a multi level platform when compared to other schools worldwide. MOE is constantly working to enrich and transform the students as well as to equip them with the critical ability to succeed in a fast paced knowledgable community.

ICT encompassed a wide array of things which allowed both teachers and students to communicate via various channels.

Some Examples of ther ICTs used in Schools:
  • Podcasts
  • Wikipedias
  • Blogs
  • E-learning - Eg: Through Blackboard
  • Educational Softwares
K: What I already know 

That schools are now moving into building up their technology and trying to integrate technology with communication to enrich a students learning ability.

W: What I want to learn 

How to be able to incorporate ICT in my teaching to enhance my students learning.

L: What I learnes this week

How to use wikis and use mindmeister, also learnt the relevance of ICT with current teaching styles

Q: What questions I still have

How I can incorporate ICT in my lessons ? What kind of specific software can I use for the teaching of Home Economics?

1 comment:

  1. Keep those questions in mind and actively seek answers to them throughout this course (and even after it). You might be surprised what you might discover along the way.
