Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Session 4 Reflections on Lesson Planning

I admit, I read Fifah's post and got inspired to embed a video on my recent post. (: I didn't comment is cause I have no question for her, but I give her kudos for the nice post. Since hers is on Cyberwellness, I shall post something different.

For last week's ICT class we were advised to take this quiz on goals and objectives on BB before class and I did. My score was terrible. 1 out of 8. I was quite taken aback seriously at that time when I saw the score and I joked with the rest, hey you never know it could mean 1 out 8 points wrong! Haha, optimistic much but apparently, it was just the ego at work. But it got me thinking about my knowledge on lesson planning. It was really good that Dr Ashley went through the lesson plan lesson, cause I FINALLY UNDERSTOOD WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GOAL AND AN OBJECTIVE.

e.g. Goal: Students to know about Art and the history.
Objective: Students to name five different art movements at the end of lesson.

So, it just dawned on me, I have been practically smoking my way through class during my contract teaching time! No doubt I have the perfect politically correct lesson plan (for my one and only lesson observation) but that was because my mentor kindly gave me one of her plans to use as a template to tweak it to suit to my then lesson. I did not understand why the need for the lesson plan and why the need to list down the goals and objectives, and I regret now. But it is really all good now since I had the lesson last week!

Reflections of my lame regret aside,
3 “things that I have learnt” from the process : Difference between Goal and Objective (Rank number 1),
Bloom's Taxonomy is sooooo much easier to relate to and understand than Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory (rank number three actually),
MY IGNORANCE of good lesson planning (quite ashamed of self really so its ranked number two)

2 “things that I can apply” : Definitely well defined and goal oriented and objective driven lesson plan in my future lesson planning. (I swear I will do this maybe not religiously but enough to keep my lessons substantially good),
Bloom's Taxonomy chart looks like a good punishment for my students to draw out (sounds really odd but I seriously considering asking them to draw this out as an educated punishment cause i can teach them how to draw circles freehand!)

1 “thing that I want to know more about” : I hate this question everytime I see this kind of provoking open ended problem (cause really our questions always end up rhetorical like duh, and good questions are really hard to come by). I really just want to know how much more ignorant I can be as ICT lessons go on. Really really.

Just a bit of sharing what kind of "fillers" I show my kids when I end my class earlier than expected; the first one is good for have the kids sit up a bit after the punchline is shown at the end and great for introducing them to deejay mixing disc jockeying. YAY!

;the second one when viewed in full screen 720dpi HD quality is like pure bliss (good for knocking your students out with the easy on the ears music and good for colors lesson)


  1. I like that you want to know more about what you don't know. It puts you on a journey of discovery. Such journeys are more engaging than forced ones.

    As for using YouTube videos as fillers, I'd say that doing that does not change pedagogy much. The technology is practically an afterthought instead of a powerfully integrated component. I encourage you to do more of the latter.

  2. Yeah I do use videos to teach them occasionally, but the fillers is my idea of letting them chillax a bit before they go to another class. :D
